Homeopathic Treatment of Piles works at addressing the root cause hence gives lasting results. Piles or hemorrhoids are are an aggregation of inflamed tissues in the anal canal. Piles are also known as bawaseer/bawasir in popular jargon. It usually affects tiny blood vessels, elastic fiber & muscle tissues in and around the anal cavity of the patient. Piles can be both uncomfortable & embarrasing health problem.
Many people are suffering from this modern life malaise, but piles symptoms are visible & tangible for only half of the patients. The size, location, and grade of piles vary from patient to patient. Hemorrhoids can be both internal or external, bleeding as well as non-bleeding. They are typically graded from I to IV, with grade III & IV representing a severe medical condition.
Piles is mostly a lifestyle problem, and it usually starts with chronic constipation which in turn is a result of unhealthy diets, spicy & fiber-depleted junk food. In some cases lifting heavy weights or even pregnancy can lead to piles. Though several homeopathic medicines can benefit piles patients, there is no substitute for a comprehensive and customized treatment plan accompanied with lifestyle and dietary changes.
At Mdhomeo Clinic, we have treated several piles patients with varying symptoms and severity that includes both bleeding and non-bleeding hemorrhoids. Many of our patients were able to avoid expansive surgeries with few weeks of homeopathic treatment. We don’t offer any one size fit all therapy to our patients but create a customized treatment plan consisting of homeopathic medicines & lifestyle suggestions. Thus we address the root cause of the problem and cure it. Visit Mdhomeo Clinic to permanently get rid of your piles.Ho
Kidney stones are also known as renal calculi. They form due to assimilation & sedimentation of different salts in the kidney, usually consisting of calcium or uric acid. Therefore it is essential to stay hydrated and maintain sufficient fluid intake so that your kidneys keep flushing the unwanted sediments out of the system. Medical help is needed when stones have already formed, merely consuming more liquids won’t do the trick. Shapes, size, number, location, & composition of renal calculi can vary significantly from patient to patient.
Kidney stone symptoms include pain in the lower back, traces of blood in the urine, nausea, fever and constant urge to urinate. Renal calculi passing down the ureters can cause extreme pain and discomfort for the patient. If a stone is too large to pass through the urinary tract, then it must be broken into smaller chunks, through medicines or laser surgery. Homeopathic medicines can break & help pass kidney stones of all kind naturally with urine and let patients avoid expensive and complicated operations.
At Mdhomeo Clinic we have vast experience of providing kidney stones treatment. We have helped several patients get rid of even most stubborn and hard kind of stones with oral homeopathic medicines. Some of our patients also managed to excrete many small kidney stones in a matter of a few days of treatment.
Getting rid of kidney stones is only one part of the process, our kidney stones treatment along with suggested lifestyle changes can help people reduce the tendency of re-ocurence of kidney stones in future. Visit Mdhomeo Clinic to get rid of your kidney stones & relief from kidney pain & discomfort.
Skin allergy is one of the most common reaction of the human body to the disturbance in health equilibrium.
Human body shows a visible & sometimes painful response in the form of rashes, boils, blisters, warts etc. To draw an analogy, these are the strong and irrefutable signal sent by your body that something in the system is irritating it which needs urgent attention. Human body excretes acumalated toxins through different allergic reactions, of which skin allergy is most common one.
There are many type & forms of skin allergies such as Acne, Hemangioma, Cold sores, Psoriasis, Rosacea, Seborrhea dermatitis, Hives, Warts, Carbuncle, Cellulitis, Hyperhidrosis, Eczema, Herpes, Shingles & diaper rashes etc.
Contrary to popular belief, different allergies within a human body are interconnected, and line of treatment for a patient should be holistic and not based on superficial segmentation. Therefore homeopathic methodology for curing skin diseases advocates treating the patients and their body functions rather than symptoms alone. And perhaps that is why homeopathic medicines for skin allergy are very popular and homeopathy is considered the best form of treatment for skin allergies of all kind.
At Mdhomeo Clinic, we have the expertise to handle complicated skin allergy cases & yield exceptional results for our patients. We have proven competency to help skin allergy patients tired and exhausted by years of expensive supressive treatments. We have also helped several patients whose cases were complicated by years of over drugging and indiscriminate use of steroids and anti-allergics. Visit Mdhomeo Clinic to consult your skin allergy case & avail homeopathic cure for your skin allergy problems.
Homeopathic Treatment for Hair Fall
Premature, graying, thinning of hair, dry & broken hair follicles, hair fall & lack of hair growth are widespread health issues faced by people in modern day life. It can affect people of all age groups and lifestyles. The fear of getting bald has psychological dimensions too as it can adversely affect the mental well being of patients & their everyday life.
There could be several reasons for hair fall such as stress, genetics, dietary deficiencies of vital nutrients like iron & proteins, exposure to pollution, bathing with hard water & application of cosmetics products, etc. Though making the right lifestyle changes is essential to rediscover hair growth, but rarely it is enough.
Homeopathy is a boon for people struggling with hair fall, premature greying of hair, broken hair and even baldness. Homeopathy provides the best hair fall solution as conventional allopathic treatments are less effective whereas hair transplant procedures are very expansive thus out of reach of ordinary citizens. There is a range of homeopathic medicines that can help hair fall patients achieve hair regrowth and also enhance their dented confidence.
At Mdhomeo Clinic we have provided hair fall treatment to thousands of patients with excellent and lasting results. We have developed our own homeopathic medicated hair oil which is a unique & extremely beneficial external applicant that stimulates hair growth and arrest hair fall when taken with our customized homeopathic therapy for every patient. Visit Mdhomeo Clinic to discover our unique & effective hair fall solution & reclaim your hairline.
Homeopathic Treatment for Respiratory Diseases
Respiratory diseases are a significant health hazard faced by a large number of people. It could be anything from a seasonal cough, cold & flu to life-threatening COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) like emphysema. Asthma is one of the most dominant respiratory diseases. Asthma symptoms are so similar to COPD that patients often struggle to distinguish between the two. However, both are different.
Asthma usually starts from a younger age, whereas COPD is primarily a middle age disease. Asthma may result in periodic episodes of a dry cough & breathlessness. COPD is a progressively deteriorating condition that usually worsens with age and is typically accompanied by mucus-yielding cough.
Pneumonia is another severe respiratory condition, and it affects the lungs of a patient and results in inflation or air sacs. Pneumonia symptoms are similar to COPD and asthma symptoms. However, few fundamental differences exist, like pneumonia results in cracking sound while breathing & is often accompanied by fever. In the absence of timely treatment, fluid may fill in the lungs of the pneumonia patient creating a danger to their life.
Polluted air often triggers respiratory disorders & people with sensitivity to dust particles, pollens, extreme temperatures, weather changes & stress, etc., are worst affected. Homeopathic medicines work wonders with respiratory diseases.
At Mdhomeo Clinic, we have treated several patients with all kinds of respiratory conditions. We have addressed patients with Asthma, Pneumonia & even helped COPD patients achieve a better prognosis. Many of our patients, especially young children, have got rid of steroid-based inhalers and nebulizers. We take pride in helping people breathe easily and live confidently. Visit us to reclaim your respiratory health.